How to bounce back after a job rejection

How to bounce back after a job rejection

So, you’ve just been rejected from that perfect job you found, that’s why you’re here right? We get it, job rejection isn’t a nice experience to go through and can be devastating when you thought everything was going well.

Perhaps you got on well with the hiring manager, you discussed salary, or you even met other members of the team and thought for sure, the deal had to be in the bag. But then came the ‘sorry, we’ve decided to go with another candidate’ email.

While this can really knock your confidence and seem like all hope is lost, we’re here to tell you that it’s not! Below, we’ve put together some advice for how to get back on your feet after a job rejection.


Give yourself some time to be sad


There’s no way we can sugar coat it, job rejection is never pleasant. It can leave you feeling unsure about your own abilities, as well as feeling hurt and exhausted with the whole job-hunting process. This will especially be the case if you went through multiple interview rounds and felt like you had jumped through hoops to reach the point you did.

These feelings are all completely normal and it’s ok to feel sad about not getting the job. Give yourself some time to process the events that happened and do something to cheer yourself up. We recommend ordering your favourite pizza and binge-watching a new Netflix series.

But remember to pick yourself up after! After giving yourself a few days to process the loss, it’s time to come back even better and stronger with your head held high.



Send a thank-you email to the interviewer


While it’s probably the last thing you feel like doing right now, reach out to the interviewer by email and thank them for their time and consideration in reviewing your application. You can also use this opportunity to highlight that you’re disappointed you didn’t get the role on this occasion but look forward to seeing the company’s progress and hope to be considered for any future roles that may be relevant.

It’s also worth asking for further feedback if you weren’t already provided with a reason why you were rejected. Remember to ask which areas you did well in, as well as areas where you fell down.

Not only will this show the interviewer that you can handle rejection maturely, but it will also help for you to stand out in their mind should another relevant opportunity arise within the company.


Use it as a learning curve

While pouring time and energy into a job application, only to not get the job can be frustrating, it’s also a learning curve. Think of the experience you gained from the interviews, the types of questions you were asked, and the requirements or expectations the company had for the role.

This will help you to better evaluate other job opportunities and narrow down what you really want. You’d have also gained invaluable interview experience which will help you to perform even stronger in future interviews. Perhaps, they asked you some difficult questions that you’ll know how to prepare for next time, or if there were any other things where you feel you fell short, at least you can identify these and address them before the next opportunity comes your way.

It’s also useful to see what kind of vibe you got from the company culture. Perhaps they made it clear that remote working wasn’t an option, or the team structure was different to what you expected. These cultural qualities will help you to identify what’s important to you and what you’re willing or not willing to compromise on.


Focus on your strengths

Being turned down by the company you wanted to work for can be a serious knock-on your confidence. However, it’s important not to let one setback drag you down with your future job search.

Try making a list of all of your strengths, with examples of how you’ve shown these strengths in your personal and professional life. Not only will this give you a confidence boost, but it could also come in use for the next interview too!

Overall, a job rejection is never a nice experience. While it may seem like the end of the world when it happens, remember that there’s plenty more fish in the sea! Interested in joining Leonid’s candidate support programme that’s in development? Drop us an email with your interest so we can add you to the mailing list.