The #1 reason why top candidates drop out of a job application

The #1 reason why top candidates drop out of a job application

In a world where technology is speeding up processes and making things more efficient, it may surprise you to learn that the main reason why candidates drop out of an interview process, is because things move too slowly. 

Of the 3,700 jobseekers who were surveyed by background screening and identity services firm Sterling, 71% revealed that they had either dropped out or considered dropping out of their most recent recruitment experience. The top three reasons cited for this were:

1.     The process was taking too long

2.     It was too complicated

3.     There were too many stages 

The data - which as well as surveying job-seekers additionally sought opinions from over 1,200 HR professionals - also revealed that half of the UK’s employers struggle to find enough suitably qualified candidates for their open roles, with almost a third (29%) revealing that their direct competitors are beating them in the race for top talent. 

There is a very simple solution to these issues.

For candidates, it is paramount they receive a transparent, efficient and empathetic experience throughout the process.  Very occasionally, delays are inevitable (for example, if someone involved in the hiring is unwell or absent for whatever reason), but regular, clear and honest communication will keep the process alive.  There is nothing worse for a job-seeker than constantly second-guessing what is going on – it’s a sure-fire way to send them looking elsewhere.

For the hiring company, the best way to secure top talent is to employ the services of an expert in the field of search who can uncover talent and in particular, tap into those passive candidates who aren’t actively looking but may be swayed by an exceptional opportunity.  This enables firms to get ahead of the competition by securing job-seekers before they are even actively seeking!

As for the all-important issue of speed – that’s where Leonid is ahead of the game.  Leonid was founded out of a desire to make the recruitment process more enjoyable and efficient for all involved, and much of this centres on the ability to deliver results exceptionally quickly.  One of the ways we do this is by presenting video shortlists to our clients ('LeonidLive'), which enables them to assess soft skills ahead of the next stage and typically cuts one or two interview stages out of the process. 

Although we work on a retained search basis, our time-to-hire is around three times faster than the industry average.  We pledge to fill all roles within 30 days of instruction, regardless of seniority, using our Magic Month methodology.  It is in no-one’s best interests to make a process slower than it needs to be. 

Slow processes will frustrate candidates and hiring companies will lose out – it’s as simple as that!